Friday 11 November 2016

Equality verse privilege

There is a difference between fighting for equality and fighting for privilege.
African Americans - I don't like that term ,there should just be Americans - have fought long and hard for equality.  In many respects they still are.
But as I don't live in America I'm not going to do the lefty thing and scream that American society is racist.Nor am I going to do the right wing thing and deny inequality exists

American muslims -again a term I don't like,there's just Americans-pretend they are fighting for equality.
But what they are actually wanting is privilege. The privilege to have their own law.
Their livestock production and killing to be exempt from animal rights laws.
Their 'book' to take precedence over the constitution.

African Americans  never wanted any of this rubbish.  They just wanted to be treat exactly the same as whites.
It's worth mentioning though that we have all heard of privilege, white privilege. A favourite term used by the looney left and regressive liberals .

Skim over the pond to the UK and Europe and we have exactly the same situation. Only ours is a lot further along the process of 'privilege.
We have bent over backwards for Muslim wishes. We haven't just allowed mosques. We are now considering some of them signalling a call to prayer, five times a day.
If it isn't bad enough that we allow barbaric halal slaughter we are now having it thrust upon everyone ,so as not to offend muslims.
In Germany all children  must visit mosques, because -we need to adjust to the muslim mindset.
We allow women to walk around incognito in sacking. Never mind the human rights abuses this throws up again women themselves,  it's just another example of privilege.

We have even allowed the mass rape of our kids because of fear of being called racist. That's about as big a privilege as there is .

There is loads of hype and lies about attacks since Trump became president elect. How much is true,who knows. I would bet it Is the same as it was in the UK after brexit. Grossly exaggerated just to push the Muslim agenda.

We do need equality laws. Christ we need equality for all. But when the majority feel like they are being lied to and what we are actually giving away is privilege that's how people like a Trump get elected.  
We need to wake up the difference between equality and privilege

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